The Grout Guy Will Fix Your Leaking Shower
And Make It Look Like New.
Putting off leaking shower repair for too long can lead to a number of problems in your home.
If your shower needs repairs and regrouting, hire shower repair and regrouting experts to repair and regrout your shower. A leaking shower can cause a wide range of issues in your bathroom and home. Shower leaking can cause mould, mildew, water damage to your tiles, structural damage to your house and water stains on walls.
Hiring shower repair and regrouting experts can prevent structural damage to your house and stop mould growth.
Your Local Burnwood Grout Guy
Looking for reliable shower repair and regrouting experts in Burwood? At The Grout Guy, we know Burwood very well. We help Burwood homeowners repair and regrout their showers. We have a 10-year warranty to guarantee you high-quality work. Our warranty can, therefore, give you peace of mind. We will, therefore, ensure your shower will stay waterproof for several years to come.
If your shower leaks, you may need professional help. Do not hesitate to give us a call. If you maintain your bathroom tiles properly, they can last for several years.
Why Does Your Leaking Shower Need Fixing?
Fixing your leaking shower can keep your shower beautiful, prevent mould growth, prevent structural damage to your bathroom and home and save you a lot of money.
Here are some of the reasons why your leaking shower needs fixing:
Keep Your Shower Beautiful
Shower leaks can cause discolouration and leave stains on your showers. The discolouration and stains can make your shower look dirty. In fact, you can replace your tiles. Replacing the tiles can protect your shower and make your shower more beautiful. Repair shower leaks to prevent staining and discolouration.
Keep Mould Out
Mould can grow anywhere. However, mould can grow quickly in moist environments. So, shower leaks can create the perfect conditions for mould growth. The mould can stain your tiles and shower. Repairing your shower leaks can keep mould out. If mould grows in your shower, you may need to replace your tiles and grout.
Save You Money
Fixing your leaking shower as quickly as possible can save you more money in the long run. Fixing a leaking shower can stop structural damage to your bathroom and home. If you can prevent structural damage, you can save more money. In addition, you can stop the spread of the mould, so you do not have to hire an expensive cleaning service to remove the mould.
How Do We Restore Your Tiles and Shower?
- You will contact us to book a free quote. We will come to your house to inspect your shower. Once the inspection is done, we will give you our quote and analysis.
- We will come to your house when it is convenient for you. Once we are in your house, we will begin removing old grout. We will replace the old grout with new grout of the same colour or any colour of your choice.
- Once our work is done, we will clean up after ourselves. We will make sure your shower is clean before we leave.
Shower Repairs - Before and After
Once our Sydney Shower Repair experts at The Grout Guy have inspected your shower, we will recommend either
spot repairs or a total shower regrout.
The first step is to remove the old grout, then clean the area and finally, install and seal
a new watertight grout joint. With clean tiles and new grout, your shower will
look like new and will be ready for use within 24 hours from the time of regrouting.
What people say about The Grout Guy
“Highly recommended The Grout Guy. John arrived on time, was very friendly, kept us updated on every part of the process and where he was up to. John was very friendly and we couldn’t be happier with his work. Will definitely use again”
Samantha Williams – Facebook
"I had my ensuite re-grouted by Adam last week. I cannot recommend The Grout Guy highly enough. Adam arrived early, was very polite and the quality of work immaculate. Very good personality and kept me constantly updated. BIG 5 Star. Thank you, The Grout Guy.”
Daley Lakey
What Is Next?
Do not attempt to repair your leaking shower. We are ready to help you fix your shower leaks and protect your bathroom and home. If you are looking for a shower repair/regrouting service in Burwood, New South Wales as you are too busy to DIY or the problem is too big that you couldn’t do it yourself, contact us at The Grout Guy.
The Grout Guy can provide a FREE quote and in-home inspection from one of our experienced and LOCAL consultants.