A leaking shower is an all-too-common problem in Perth households. As well as being extremely inconvenient, they can also result in damage to other parts of your home. In order to prevent water damage, it is essential that you identify and rectify any problems associated with your leaking shower as soon as possible.
Faulty Sealant
A common cause of a leaking shower is faulty sealant. Some sealants over shower tile grout erode over time, which can cause the tile grout to crumble and allow water to seep through to walls or bathroom floors. If you suspect this may be the source of your leak, it is important to get a professional to inspect the source of the leak and make necessary recommendations on how to fix the problem.
The Grout Guy uses a high-quality sealant which seals grout joints and acts as an extra waterproof barrier that can last up to 15 years.
Hairline Cracks
Another common cause of a leaking shower is hairline cracks in the shower tiles. Natural wear and tear can cause tiles to become cracked over time, and these cracks can allow some water to escape and collect around the shower tray. It is important to check for any cracks at least once a year, and have a professional restore them quickly before the problem becomes too big.
Crumbling or Missing Grout
Cement-based grout is a popular choice for bathrooms and shower floors due to it being inexpensive and easy to apply. However, over time, it has a tendency to chip, stain and become vulnerable to mould. Additionally, it lacks flexibility which can lead to cracks when there is building movement.
Regular inspections of the walls and floor can help to identify any potential issues before they become more serious. If left unchecked, the small hairline cracks will eventually expand, causing the grout to crumble.
Furthermore, any missing or cracked grout can let water seep behind the tiles, resulting in mould growth in the grout lines.
Your Professional Leaking Shower Repair Specialist in Perth
A leaky shower can present a major inconvenience in your home, as well as potentially causing more serious damage to the rest of your house. Identifying and rectifying the cause of the leak is essential. If you think your shower leak may be caused by any of these issues, then get in touch with your leaking shower repair specialist, The Grout Guy, to ensure that the problem is resolved quickly and effectively. We offer a 10-year waterproof warranty on all our leaking shower repair work.